Alignment Distance
An alignment of two strings ( s , t ) is a pair of strings ( s ′ , t ′ ) that meet the following criteria:
s ′ and t ′ are formed by inserting -
(gap ) characters into s and t respectively.
∣ s ′ ∣ = ∣ t ′ ∣ is the length of the alignment
If we remove all -
characters from s ′ and t ′ , we get s and t respectively.
A gap cannot appear in the same position in both s ′ and t ′ . (No consecutive gaps.)
The cost of of an alignment ( s ′ , t ′ ) is the number of positions in which s ′ and t ′ differ, and it is denoted cost ( s ′ , t ′ ) = ∣ { i : s i ′ = t i ′ } ∣ .
The alignment distance between two strings, ad ( s , t ) , is the cost of their optimal (minimum-cost) alignment.
∀ u , v , x , y ∈ Σ ∗ , ad ( u ∘ v , x ∘ y ) ≤ ad ( u , x ) + ad ( v , y )
∀ u , v , t ∈ Σ ∗ , ∃ x , y ∈ Σ ∗ : t = x ∘ y ∧ ad ( u ∘ v , t ) = ad ( u , x ) + ad ( v , y )
∀ u , v , t ∈ Σ ∗ , ad ( u ∘ v , t ) = x ∘ y = t min ( ad ( u , x ) + ad ( v , y ))
For a string s = s 1 s 2 … s m ∈ Σ ∗ , the inverse of s is the string s R = s m … s 2 s 1 .
∀ s , t ∈ Σ ∗ , ad ( s , t ) = ad ( s R , t R )
optimal sequence alignment
sequence alignment
Levenshtein distance
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
Smith-Waterman algorithm
Global alignment
Local alignment
Edit Distance
The edit distance between two strings, ed ( s , t ) , is the minimum number of edit operations required to transform string s into string t . Different definitions of an edit distance use different sets of like operations.
Levenshtein distance operations are the removal, insertion, or substitution of a character in the string. (Being the most common metric, the term Levenshtein distance is often used interchangeably with edit distance.)
Ed = Ad
Theorem : For any two strings s , t ∈ Σ ∗ , we have ed ( s , t ) = ad ( s , t ) .
Given two strings s and t :
Find the optimal alignment cost ad ( s , t )
Find the optimal alignment itself.
Both versions have the same time complexity of O ( mn ) , as both involve iterating over the strings s and t in nested loops to compute the optimal alignment cost.
Space Complexity:
Version 1 requires O ( mn ) space for the DP table.
Version 2 is more space-efficient with a space complexity of O ( n ) , as it only maintains two arrays of size n + 1 at any time.
The disadvantage of Version 2 we can’t find the alignment itself, only the cost.
Version 1 (Space O ( mn ) )
def AlignmentDistance (s: str , t: str , Cost):
Compute the optimal alignment cost between two strings using dynamic programming.
s (str): The first string.
t (str): The second string.
Cost (function): A function that takes two arguments (char1, char2) and returns the
cost of aligning char1 with char2. Use '-' for gaps.
int: The optimal alignment cost.
list[list[int]]: The DP table.
m, n = len (s), len (t)
# Initialize the DP table with infinity
AD = [[ float ( 'inf' )] * (n + 1 ) for _ in range (m + 1 )]
# Base cases
AD [ 0 ][ 0 ] = 0
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD [ 0 ][j] = AD [ 0 ][j - 1 ] + Cost( '-' , t[j - 1 ])
for i in range ( 1 , m + 1 ):
AD [i][ 0 ] = AD [i - 1 ][ 0 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], '-' )
# Fill the DP table
for i in range ( 1 , m + 1 ):
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD [i][j] = min (
# Match/mismatch
AD [i - 1 ][j - 1 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], t[j - 1 ]),
AD [i - 1 ][j] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], '-' ), # Gap in t
AD [i][j - 1 ] + Cost( '-' , t[j - 1 ]) # Gap in s
# Print the DP table
# print(AD)
# Return a tuple containing:
# i. The optimal alignment cost
# ii. The DP table
return int ( AD [m][n]), AD
def print_alignment (AD, s, t, Cost):
Print the optimal alignment between two strings s and t with color-coded differences.
i, j = len (s), len (t)
aligned_s, aligned_t = [], []
while i > 0 or j > 0 :
if i > 0 and j > 0 and AD [i][j] == AD [i - 1 ][j - 1 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], t[j - 1 ]):
aligned_s.append(s[i - 1 ])
aligned_t.append(t[j - 1 ])
i, j = i - 1 , j - 1
elif i > 0 and AD [i][j] == AD [i - 1 ][j] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], '-' ):
aligned_s.append(s[i - 1 ])
aligned_t.append( '-' )
i -= 1
else : # j > 0
aligned_s.append( '-' )
aligned_t.append(t[j - 1 ])
j -= 1
# Reverse the strings and apply coloring
colors = { '-' : " \033 [94m" , 'mismatch' : " \033 [95m" , 'default' : " \033 [0m" }
aligned_s, aligned_t = aligned_s[:: - 1 ], aligned_t[:: - 1 ]
for a, b in zip (aligned_s, aligned_t):
color = colors[ '-' ] if '-' in (
a, b) else colors[ 'mismatch' ] if a != b else colors[ 'default' ]
print ( f " { color }{ a }\033 [0m" , end = '' )
print ( "" )
for a, b in zip (aligned_s, aligned_t):
color = colors[ '-' ] if '-' in (
a, b) else colors[ 'mismatch' ] if a != b else colors[ 'default' ]
print ( f " { color }{ b }\033 [0m" , end = '' )
print ( "" )
Version 2 (Space O ( n ) )
def AlignmentDistance (s, t, Cost):
m, n = len (s), len (t)
# Allocate ADP and ADC arrays (initializing to infinity)
AD_P = [ float ( 'inf' )] * (n + 1 )
AD_C = [ float ( 'inf' )] * (n + 1 )
# Initialize ADP[0] = 0 (aligning empty sequence with empty sequence)
AD_P [ 0 ] = 0
# Fill the first row of ADP (align empty s with prefixes of t)
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD_P [j] = AD_P [j - 1 ] + Cost( '-' , t[j - 1 ])
# Iterate over each character in s
for i in range ( 1 , m + 1 ):
# Initialize the first element of ADC for the current row
AD_C [ 0 ] = AD_P [ 0 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], '-' )
# Compute the values for ADC[j] for each position j
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD_C [j] = min (
AD_P [j - 1 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], t[j - 1 ]), # Match or substitution
AD_P [j] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], '-' ), # Gap in t
AD_C [j - 1 ] + Cost( '-' , t[j - 1 ]) # Gap in s
# After processing row i, update ADP to be the current row (ADC)
AD_P [:] = AD_C [:]
# The minimum alignment cost is found in ADC[n]
return AD_C [n]
Example Usage
def example_Cost (a, b):
# Matching characters
if a == b:
return 0
# Cost of aligning a character with a gap (insertion/deletion)
elif a == '-' or b == '-' :
return 1
# Cost of mismatch (replacement)
else :
return 1
examples = [( "kitten" , "sitting" ), ( "AATGACGATGTGCC" ,
"AGTGCGAGTTTAC" ), ( "ros" , "horse" )]
for s, t in examples:
cost, AD = AlignmentDistance(s, t, example_Cost)
print ( f "Minimum alignment cost between ' { s } ' and ' { t } ': { cost } " )
print_alignment( AD , s, t, example_Cost)
print ( "" )
given cost(gap) = 1, cost(mismatch) = 1, cost(match) = 0
cost: 3
cost: 6
cost: 3
Divide and Conquer
# TODO : check the correctness and complexity
def Cost (a, b):
Compute the cost of aligning two characters.
if a == b: # Matching characters
return 0
elif a == "-" or b == "-" : # Gap alignment
return 1
else : # Mismatch
return 1
def AlignmentDistance (s, t):
Compute the alignment distance between two strings `s` and `t`.
Returns the last row of the alignment distance matrix for space efficiency.
m, n = len (s), len (t)
# Allocate two rows for the DP table
AD_P = [ float ( "inf" )] * (n + 1 ) # Previous row
AD_C = [ float ( "inf" )] * (n + 1 ) # Current row
# Initialize the first row (aligning empty sequence with prefixes of `t`)
AD_P [ 0 ] = 0
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD_P [j] = AD_P [j - 1 ] + Cost( "-" , t[j - 1 ])
# Compute the DP table row by row
for i in range ( 1 , m + 1 ):
AD_C [ 0 ] = AD_P [ 0 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], "-" ) # Initialize first column
for j in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
AD_C [j] = min (
AD_P [j - 1 ] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], t[j - 1 ]), # Match or mismatch
AD_P [j] + Cost(s[i - 1 ], "-" ), # Insert
AD_C [j - 1 ] + Cost( "-" , t[j - 1 ]), # Delete
# Move to the next row
AD_P , AD_C = AD_C , AD_P
return AD_P # The last row of the DP table
def OptimalAlignment (s, t):
m, n = len (s), len (t)
# Base case: If either string is very short, compute the alignment directly
if m == 0 :
return "-" * n, t
if n == 0 :
return s, "-" * m
if m == 1 or n == 1 :
# Use AlignmentDistance for simple alignment in base case
aligned_s, aligned_t = "" , ""
i, j = 0 , 0
while i < m or j < n:
if i < m and j < n and s[i] == t[j]:
aligned_s += s[i]
aligned_t += t[j]
i += 1
j += 1
elif j < n and (i == m or Cost( "-" , t[j]) < Cost(s[i], "-" )):
aligned_s += "-"
aligned_t += t[j]
j += 1
else :
aligned_s += s[i]
aligned_t += "-"
i += 1
return aligned_s, aligned_t
# Decompose s into two halves
mid = m // 2
u, v = s[:mid], s[mid:]
# for each j in {0, ..., n}
for j in range (n + 1 ):
# decompose t into prefix x (of size j) and suffix y (of size n-j)
x, y = t[:j], t[j:]
# calc ad of prefix u of s and prefix x of t
ad_u_x = AlignmentDistance(u, x)
# calc ad of suffix v of s and suffix y of t
ad_v_y = AlignmentDistance(v, y)
# sum the two, and remember the decomposition of t into a node and a node y ◦ x = t that minimized the sum.
if j == 0 or ad_u_x + ad_v_y < min_sum:
min_sum = ad_u_x + ad_v_y
min_j = j
# Compute an optimal alignment of u and x recursively
aligned_u, aligned_x = OptimalAlignment(u, t[:min_j])
# Compute an optimal alignment of v and y recursively
aligned_v, aligned_y = OptimalAlignment(v, t[min_j:])
# Return the concatenation of the two alignments
return aligned_u + aligned_v, aligned_x + aligned_y
# Example usage
s = "ros"
t = "horse"
aligned_s, aligned_t = OptimalAlignment(s, t)
print (aligned_s)
print (aligned_t)
# Alignment distance
print (AlignmentDistance(s, t))