
  • Graph
  • Adjacency list
  • Adjacency matrix

Linked Data Structures

Linked list

list-insert(L,x)insert x onto the front of the linked list
list-delete(L,x)delete element x from the linked list
list-search(L,k)returning a pointer to the first element with key k



Binary Heap

  • A binary heap (or heap) is defined as a binary tree with two additional constraints:

    • shape property: a binary heap is a complete binary tree
    • heap property:
      • (max-heap) for every node other than the root, )
      • (min-heap) for every node other than the root, )
    • Heaps are commonly implemented with an array of length .
      • In our implementation, the root of is in , so
        • the last index is
      • (Alternatively, the root can be in , so , , and , and the last index is )
  • Theorems:

    • The index of the -greatest () element in max-heap is
      • (the same for -smallest element in min-heap)
    • (6.3-3)todo There are at most nodes of height in any -element heap
procedure (max heap)Run Time
heapify(A, i)(the height of is )
max-heapify(A, i)
heap-maximum(A)returns the element of with the largest key
heap-extract-max(A)remove max and retrun it
heap-increase-key(A,i,key)increases the value of to new value (larger or equal)
max-heap-insert(A,key)insert to
  • in min-heap the procedures will be: min-heapify, build-min-heap, heap-minimum, heap-extract-min, heap-decrease-key, min-heap-insert

Binary Search Tree (BST)

  • Type of: Binary Tree

  • Sorted data structure

  • all dynamic set operations take time

  • Traversal (Inorder, preorder, and postorder) take time

  • (12.4) The expected height of a randomly built BST on distinct keys is

Red-Black Tree (RB)

  • Red-Black Tree is Binary Search Tree, which staify the Red-Black tree properties:

    • Every node is either black or red
    • The root is black
    • Every leaf (NIL) is black
    • if node red, then both of its children are black (thus, red nodes black nodes)
    • For each node, all simple paths from the node to leaves have the same number of black nodes, (limiting h ???)
  • is the black-height of the node , which is the number of black nodes on any path from a node (not including) down to a leaf

  • is the black-height of a RB tree, which is the black-height of the root

  • (13.1) A red-black tree with internal nodes has height at most . (which means that it’s approximatly balanced)

  • dynamic set operations take time

Order-statistic tree

  • (Theorem 14.1) Augmenting a red-black tree - Let be a field that augments a red-black tree of nodes, and suppose that the contents of for a node can be computed using only the information in nodes , , and , including and . Then, we can maintain the values of in all nodes of during insertion and deletion without asymptotically affecting the performance of these operations.

  • order-statistic tree is RB Tree with additional node field: size.

    • returns a pointer to the node containing the th smallest key in the subtree rooted at . ( (worst case))
    • returns the position of in the linear order determined by an inorder tree walk of . ( (worst case))

Hash Tables

Hash function

Collision resolution



Open addressing

  • Linear probing
  • Quadratic probing
  • Double hashing

Direct-address tables
