def DP_Maximize_Allocation (n: int , S: int , p: list[list[ float ]], v: list[ int ]) -> tuple[ float , list[ int ]]:
Dynamic programming algorithm to maximize the expected value of allocating resources to objects.
Problem Description:
- There are `n` objects, each with:
- A value `v[i]` representing the importance of the object.
- A sequence of probabilities `p[i][s]` where `p[i][s]` is the probability of achieving
success for object `i` when `s` resources are allocated to it.
- `S` is the total number of resources available for allocation.
- Decision variables: `s_1, s_2, ..., s_n`, where `s_i` is the number of resources allocated to object `i`,
with the constraint that `sum(s_i for i in range(1, n+1)) <= S`.
Maximize the total expected value:
`max sum(p[i][s_i] * v[i] for i in range(1, n+1))` subject to the resource constraint.
n (int): Number of objects.
S (int): Total number of resources available.
p (list of lists): A 2D list where `p[i][s]` gives the probability of success for object `i`
when `s` resources are allocated. Assumes `p[i][0] = 0` and
`p[i][s]` is non-decreasing for `s = 0 to S`.
v (list): A list where `v[i]` represents the value of object `i`. Index 0 is unused.
float: The maximum expected value achievable by optimally allocating resources.
# Input validation
if len (p) != n + 1 or len (v) != n + 1 :
raise ValueError (
"Input lists `p` and `v` must have `n+1` elements (index 0 unused)." )
for k in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
if len (p[k]) < S + 1 :
raise ValueError (
f "Probability list `p[ { k } ]` must have at least { S + 1} elements." )
# Step 1: Initialize the DP table
# `M[s][k]` represents the maximum expected value achievable with `s` resources
# distributed across the first `k` objects.
M = [[ 0.0 ] * (n + 1 ) for _ in range (S + 1 )] # 2D DP table initialized to 0
# Step 2: Build the DP table iteratively
# Iterate through each object (k = 1 to n)
for k in range ( 1 , n + 1 ):
# Iterate through each possible total resource allocation (s = 0 to S)
for s in range (S + 1 ):
max_value = 0 # Initialize the maximum value for M[s][k]
# Iterate through possible resources allocated to object k (h = 0 to s)
for h in range (s + 1 ):
# Calculate the contribution of allocating `h` resources to object k
current_value = M[s - h][k - 1 ] + p[k][h] * v[k]
max_value = max (max_value, current_value)
# Store the best value in the DP table
M[s][k] = max_value
# Step 3: Backtracking to find the decision variables s_1, s_2, ..., s_n
# Initialize a list to store the decision variables
s_values = [ 0 ] * n
# Start from M[S][n] and trace the decisions
remaining_resources = S
for k in range (n, 0 , - 1 ): # Backtrack from the last item to the first
# Check all possible resource allocations
for h in range (remaining_resources + 1 ):
# If we find the allocation that gives the maximum value for M[remaining_resources][k]
if M[remaining_resources][k] == M[remaining_resources - h][k - 1 ] + p[k][h] * v[k]:
s_values[k - 1 ] = h # Store the allocation for item k
remaining_resources -= h # Update the remaining resources
break # Once we find the decision for this item, move to the next item
# Step 4: Return the result and the decision variables
return M[S][n], s_values
# Example usage
# p[i][s] is the probability of success for object i<=n when s<=S resources are allocated
p = [
[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], # (unused)
[ 0 , 0.2 , 0.5 , 0.7 , 0.8 , 0.9 ],
[ 0 , 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.65 , 0.7 , 0.8 ],
[ 0 , 0.4 , 0.78 , 0.8 , 0.82 , 0.85 ]
n = 3 # Number of objects
S = 5 # Total resources available
v = [ 0 , 10 , 12 , 13 ] # Values for objects (index 0 unused)
result = DP_Maximize_Allocation(n, S, p, v)
max_expected_value, allocation = result
header_format = " { :>18 } " * (n + 1 )
row_format = " { :>18 } " * (n + 1 )
print ( "Optimal Value Probability:" , max_expected_value)
print ( "Total Resources Allocated (sum(s_i)):" , sum (allocation), " out of " , S)
print ( " \n " )
print (header_format.format( "Obj" , * [ f "Obj { i } " for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 )]))
print (row_format.format( "Val (v_i)" , * v[ 1 :]))
print (row_format.format( "#Res. (s_i)" , * allocation))
print (row_format.format( "Prob. (p_i(s_i))" , *
[ round (p[i][allocation[i - 1 ]], 2 ) for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 )]))
print (row_format.format( "p_i(s_i) * v_i" , *
[ round (p[i][allocation[i - 1 ]] * v[i], 2 ) for i in range ( 1 , n + 1 )]))