Formal Power Series

  • A formal power series (or formal series) is an expression of the form , where are coefficients.

(Unlike a power series, a formal power series is not necessarily convergent, and the variable is treated as an indeterminate, and is not assigned a value. The series is treated as an algebraic object, rather than a function to be evaluated.)


  • (Addition)
  • (Multiplication) where
  • (Division) where (assuming )
  • Extracting coefficientstodo
  • (Composition)todo

Generating Functions

  • A generating function is a representation of an infinite sequence of numbers as the coefficients of a formal power series.
  • The (ordinary) generating function for the sequence is the formal power series defined by

todo read


Usage for number of solutions

Generating function can also be used for number of nonnegative solutions of equation: . Then the coefficient of in the following generating function is the number of solutions.


Restriction for all Addends:

Special case example: a number of solutions of equation: . such that for any . The coefficient of in the following generating function is the number of solutions. Example generalization: a number of solutions of equation: . such that for any . The coefficient of in the following generating function is the number of solutions.

Equation with Coefficients Greater than 1

Number of solutions of equation . ^[question 7.13] The coefficient of in the following generating function is the number of solutions.


See Partition

Useful Generating Functions

Infinte Sum

Closed-formGF Sequence
depends on a const.
( is a const.)

Multiset coefficient

Closed-formGF Sequence

Finte sum

Closed-formGF Coefficients
depends on a const.
depends on a const.


Generating function
multiplied by
, and multiplied by
multiplied by

useful identities of factoring out