In this page, is an undirected graph, unless stated otherwise.
- is a subgraph of , if and , and every edge in connects two nodes in
- is a spanning subgraph of , if is subgraph of , and
- is an induced subgraph of , if and (the graph may also be called the subgraph induced in by ).
- The degree of a vertex in a graph is the number of edges incident to , with loops counted twice.
- The degree sequence of a graph is the list of its vertex degrees in non-increasing order.
- The minimum degree of a graph is the smallest degree of its vertices.
- The maximum degree of a graph is the largest degree of its vertices.
- The average degree of a graph is the average of the degrees of its vertices.
Handshaking Lemma
- (1.3)
- (q1) An undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree
- An adjacent vertex of a vertex in a graph is a vertex that is connected to by an edge.
- The neighbourhood of a vertex
- The neighbourhood of set is the union of the neighbourhoods of the vertices of .
Complement graph
- The complement of a simple graph is the simple graph where .
- , where .
- (q4) The complement of a disconnected graph is connected
- A component (or connected component) of a graph is a maximal connected subgraph (maximal in the sense that it is not a proper subgraph of any other connected subgraph)
- The components of a graph
- Every graph with vertices and edges has at least components.
Cycle & Path
- A walk is a finite or infinite sequence of edges which joins a sequence of vertices.
- A trail (מסלול) is a walk in which all edges are distinct.
- A path (מסלול פשוט) is a trail in which all vertices (and therefore also all edges) are distinct.
- A circuit (מעגל, מסלול סגור) is a non-empty trail in which the first and last vertices are equal.
- A cycle (מעגל פשוט) is a non-empty trail in which only the first and last vertices are equal.
- An even cycle is a cycle with an even number of vertices
- An odd cycle is a cycle with an odd number of vertices
- A cycle graph is a graph that consists of a single cycle.
- A clique (of a graph ) is a subset of vertices such that every two distinct vertices in are adjacent in .
Spanning tree
- A spanning tree (of an undirected graph ) is a subgraph that is a tree which includes all of the vertices of .
- A non-connected graph has no spanning tree
- A tree has a unique spanning tree and it is itself.
Minimum Spanning Tree
- A minimum spanning tree (MST) or minimum weight spanning tree is a spanning tree of a weighted graph such that the sum of the weights of the sum of the weights of the edges in the tree is minimized
Shortest path tree
- A shortest path tree rooted at of a weighted undirected graph is a spanning tree of such that the path weight from to every other vertex in is the shortest path weight from to that vertex in .
Hamiltonian Path & Cycle
(undirected/directed graph)
- A Hamiltonian path is a path that visits each vertex exactly once.
- A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that visits each vertex exactly once, except the starting vertex.
- A Hamiltonian graph is a graph that contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
(3.2, Ore’s Theorem) A simple graph with vertices () is Hamiltonian if, for every pair of non-adjacent vertices, the sum of their degrees is or greater.
(3.3, Dirac’s Theorem) A simple graph with vertices is Hamiltonian if every vertex has degree or greater.
(q3.6) A simple graph with vertices, and is odd, and every vertex has degree at least, then it contains Hamiltonian path.
(q3.7) complete bipartite graph is contain Hamiltonian cycle, if and only if, and
Eulerian path
- Eulerian path is a path in a finite graph that visits every edge exactly once.
- Similarly, an Eulerian circuit or Eulerian cycle is an Eulerian path that starts and ends on the same vertex.
- A graph that contains a Eulerian cycle is called a Eulerian graph.
- A connected graph is eulerian if and only if it is even (every vertex of G has positive even degree).
- (q1) Let be a graph, and let and be two distinct vertices of G. There is an Eulerian path from to if, and only if, is connected, and have odd degree, and all other vertices of have positive even degree
- Proposition: in graph that has a Eulerian cycle that is also Hamiltonian cycle, is 2-regular.
- Proof: . is Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycle, and are all the graph edges, and each one appear once time, therefore . now because Eulerian cycle all degere are even, and because hamiltonian cycle, there’s no vertex with 0 degree, therefore, , therefore is 2-regular.
- Proposition: in graph that has a Eulerian cycle that is also Hamiltonian cycle, is cycle graph. Proof: there is hamiltonian cycle, thus is connected, therefore, according to the previous proposition and question 1.2, it follows that is cycle graph.
Vertex Cover
A set is called a vertex cover of if
Minimum Vertex Cover
- is number of vertices of minimum vertex cover.
Independent Set
- An independent set (קבוצה בלתי תלויה) is a set of vertices such that no two vertices in the set are adjacent:
- A set is an independent set in if and only if is a clique of
Maximal independent set
- A maximal independent set (להכלה) is an independent set that is not a subset of any other independent set.
- In other words, there is no vertex outside the independent set that may join it because it is maximal with respect to the independent set property.
- (q6a) A maximal independent set is also a dominating set in the graph.
Maximum independent set
- A maximum independent set is an independent set of largest size in a given graph.
- The size of a maximum independent set is called the independence number of the graph, denoted .
- Every maximum independent set is maximal, but the converse is not necessarily true.
Dominating set
- A dominating set (קבוצה שלטת) (of ) is a set such that any vertex of is either in or has a neighbor in .
- (4.13) is independent set in if and only if is vertex-cover of .
- (4.14) for every graph . i.e. a set is independent if and only if its complement is a vertex cover.
- (4.15) for any graph, the size of every vertex cover is greater than or equal to size of every matching in , in particular .
Edge Cover
- An edge cover of a graph is a set of edges such that every vertex of the graph is incident to at least one edge of the set.
Minimum Edge Covering
- is the size (number of edges) of minimum edge cover.
- (4.10) If has no isolated vertices, then
- A matching in an undirected graph is a set of edges without common vertices
Maximum matching
- A maximum matching is a matching of largest size in a given graph.
- is the size (number of edges) of maximum matching.
Perfect matching
A perfect matching is a matching in which every node is incident to exactly one edge in the matching.
A perfect matching is also a minimum-size edge cover.
If there is a perfect matching, then both the matching number and the edge cover number equal .
Every cycle with even length has a perfect matching.
A Graph of odd vertices does not have a perfect matching.
Every complete graph of even vertices has a perfect matching.
Maximal Matching
- A maximal matching (זיווג מקסימלי להכלה) is a matching that is not a subset of any other matching
Matching in Bipartite graph
- vertex -coloring of the simple graph is a mapping
- A proper -vertex coloring of a simple graph is defined as vertex -coloring such that no two adjacent vertices share a common color. i.e.
- The chromatic number (מספר הצביעה) of a graph is the smallest positive integer such that there exists a proper vertex -coloring of .
- A graph is said to be -colorable if .
- . that is if and only if is bipartite graph that contain at least one edge.
- Let cycle with vertices. then if is even, and if is odd.
Maximum Vertex Degree
The maximum degree, sometimes simply called the maximum degree, of a graph G is the largest vertex degree of G, denoted .
- Question 1 - Every simple graph has a proper vertex coloring in colors. i.e.
- Brooks’ theorem (6.2) - For any connected undirected graph , unless is a complete graph or an odd cycle, in which case the chromatic number is .
A graph is -degenerate if every subgraph has a vertex of degree at most .
- Any graph is -degenerate
- Any -degenerate graph is -colorable (question 2)
- If graph is -colorable, then exist indepndent set in of size . ^[question 3]
- Any planar graph is 5-degenerate
Planar Graphs Coloring
Four color theorem (6.3)
Any planar graph is 4-colorable. i.e.