en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-order_logic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-sorted_logic

  • Second-order Logic is an extension of first-order logic.

  • First-order logic quantifies only variables that range over individuals, (elements of the domain of discourse).

  • Let be a first-order language over an alphabet , we define the second-order (monadic) logic as the following:

    • Two Domains (two-sorted logic)
    • Alphabet obtained by adding to
      • variable symbols
      • (optional) constant symbols
      • A binary relation symbol (membership relation)
    • Terms in are the terms and variables in , plus the second-order variables. (we denote for first-order variables and for second-order variables)
    • Atomic formulas in are the atomic formulas in , the formulas and the formulas where is a first-order term and are second-order terms.
    • Formulas in are the formulas in , plus the formulas and where is a formula in . (the difference between and will appear in the semantics)
    • Theory in is a consistent set of sentences in .
  • Let be a FOL language, and let be the SOL language generated from , and let be a model in . The second-order model generated from (and denote as well) is the model in which is the set of subsets of (power set of , i.e. )

By these definitions, second-order logic is actually extension of first-order logic, and every SOL model is uniqe extension of the corresponding FOL model.

Weak Definition of SOL Model

  • (weak definition of SOL model) A second-order model in SOL language, is two-sorted model where the elements of are subsets of , and the relation symbol is interpreted as the membership relation.

In contrast to the strong definition, the weak definition does not require that be the set of all subsets of .

  • (t9.1) Let be a SOL language and let be a two-sorted model in with the following property:
    • (extensionality axiom)
    • then there exists a SOL model (weak) in such that is isomorphic to .
  • (t9.2) (Commpactness Theorem & Completeness Theorem for SOL (weak))
    • Let be a SOL language (weak). A second-order proof calculus for is a proof calculus of as two-sorted language, where we add the extensionality axiom as a logical axiom.
      • (compactness) If a set of sentences in such that every finite subset of has a model, then has a model.
      • (completeness) For every consistent set of sentences in has a model.