Recursively Defined Sets

A recursive definition of a set has the following parts:

  • Basis Step: are specified.
  • Recursive Step: If , then .
  • Exclusion Rule: Every element of can be obtained from the basis and finitely many applications of the recursive step.


  • (natural numbers) Basis: ; Recursive: if , then ; ()
  • (even numbers) Basis: ; Recursive: if , then ; ()
  • (the set of all strings over an alphabet ) Basis: ; Recursive: if and , then . ()
  • (palindromes) Basis: and for all ; Recursive: if , then for all . ()

Recursivley Defined Functions

Informally, A recursive definition of a function defines values of the function for some inputs in terms of the values of the same function for other (usually smaller) inputs.


  • Factorial function: for and .
  • Fibonacci sequence: for and .

Structural Induction

Given a recursively defined set , and a property that objects in S may or may not satisfy. we can prove that every object in satisfies by structural induction.

  • Basis Step: Prove that are true.
  • Induction:
    • Assume that are true, for some .
    • Prove that is true.
  • Exclusion Rule: We can conclude that is true.


Prove that every is divisible by 3, where is recursively defined with basis and recursive step .

  • Basis: and are divisible by 3.
  • Inductive Hypothesis: Assume that and are divisible by 3.
  • Inductive Step: is divisible by 3.
  • Closure Rule: Every is divisible by 3.