
  • GIven a graph:
    • maximal independent set (i.e. no other vertex can be added to the set)
      • find a single maximal independent set
        • Sequential algorithm
        • Random-selection parallel algorithm (Luby’s Algorithm)
        • Random-priority parallel algorithm
        • Random-permutation parallel algorithm (Blelloch’s Algorithm)
      • find all maximal independent sets
      • count the number of maximal independent sets
    • maximum independent set: (i.e. largest possible independent set)
      • find single maximum independent set
      • find all maximum independent sets
      • count the number of maximum independent sets
    • Maximum Weighted Independent Set Problem
      • Find an independent set where the sum of vertex weights is maximized.
    • Clique problem
      • maximum clique problem: finding a maximum clique (a clique with the largest possible number of vertices),
        • Relation: The maximum clique problem in a graph is equivalent to the maximum independent set problem in the graph’s complement.
      • finding a maximum weight clique in a weighted graph,
      • listing all maximal cliques (cliques that cannot be enlarged), and
      • testing whether a graph contains a clique larger than a given size
    • Graph coloring
      • Does G admit a proper vertex coloring with k colors?

Maximal Independent Set

  • Greedy algorithm to find a maximal independent set in a graph (but not necessarily a maximum independent set).
    • In tree, the algorithm finds a maximum independent set.
def find_a_maximal_IS(graph):
    Find a single maximal independent set using a greedy algorithm.
    graph (dict): An adjacency list representation of the graph. 
                  Keys are vertices, values are sets of neighbors.
    set: A maximal independent set of the graph.
    H = set(graph.keys())  # Initialize H with all vertices
    independent_set = set()  # Initialize the independent set
    while H:
        # Find vertex u that minimizes the degree in H
        # Intersection with H to count neighbors in H
        u = min(H, key=lambda x: len(graph[x] & H))
        independent_set.add(u)  # Add u to the independent set
        # Remove u and its neighbors from H
        H -= {u} | (graph[u] & H)
    return independent_set
# Example usage:
graph = {
    1: {2, 3},
    2: {1, 3, 4},
    3: {1, 2},
    4: {2}
result = find_a_maximal_IS(graph)
print("Maximal Independent Set:", result)

Maximum Weighted Independent Set Problem

Find an independent set where the sum of vertex weights is maximized.