A graph can be defined with either directed or undirected edges.
Every undirected graph can be considered as a directed graph with edges in both directions.
A graph can be defined with weighted edges. (network)
Every unwighted graph can be considered as a weighted graph with all weights equal to 1.
A graph can be defined with multiple edges. (multigraph)
Undirected Graph
A graph is a pair G=(V,E) where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges.
V is a set of elements called nodes (or vertices (s. vertex))
E is a set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V called edges (or links)
A graph is sometimes called a simple graph to distinguish it from a multigraph, and an undirected graph to distinguish it from a directed graph.
The vertices u and v of an edge e={u,v} are called the endpoints of e, and e is said to join (or connect) u and v, and to be incident to them, and u and v are said to be adjacent to each other.
A vertex v is said to be isolated if it is not connected to any other vertex.
A graph is simple if it has no loops (edges connecting a vertex to itself) and no multiple edges (two or more edges connecting the same pair of vertices), otherwise it is called a multigraph.
Directed Graph
A directed graph (or digraph) is a pair G=(V,E), where:
V is a set of nodes (as defined for an undirected graph)
E is a set of ordered pairs of distinct elements of V called edges (or directed edges or arcs or arrows): E={(u,v)∣(u,v)∈V2,u=v}.
To avoid ambiguity, a directed graph may be called precisely a directed simple graph.
A directed edge (u,v) is said to start at u and end at v, and u is said to be the tail of the edge and v is said to be the head of the edge.
The edge (u,v) is called the inverted edge of (v,u).
All the definitions of walk, trail, and path carry over to directed graphs (and said to be directed) with the additional requirement that the edges must be traversed in the correct direction.
If w is a directed walk with vertex sequence v0,…,vk, then w is said to be a walk from v0 to vk. (The same for trail and path.)
Weighted Graph
A weighted graph (or a network) is defined as a graph but with a weight function w:E→R that assigns a real number to each edge.
A weighted graph (or network) is a directed or undirected graph in which a number (the weight) assigned to each edge.
The weight of a path in a weighted graph is the sum of the weights of the edges in the path.
The shortest path between two nodes in a weighted graph is the path with the smallest weight.
Other terms of weight are cost, length, distance, and capacity.