Test 2


Let be a FOL language, , and a model .

is the number definable in ? if so, write the formula that defines it, if not explain why.

the number is definable in example:

is every rational positive number definable in ? if so, write the formula that defines it, if not explain why.

yes, example:

is the subtraction operation definable in ? if so, write the formula that defines it, if not explain why.

the subtraction operation is binary operation, but we can see it as 3-ary operation on , which is the relation:

that is, the formula that defines the subtraction operation is:

Test 3


(FOL) Let assume that the formula is obtained from the formula by replacing the formulas with the formulas respectively. Prove (structure induction) that if the formulas are logically valid, then the formula is logically valid.