INPUT: Two n-bit binary numbers A and B
OUTPUT: Product of A and B
TIME: O(n^2)
Initialize result = 0
For i from 0 to n-1 (iterate over each bit of B, right to left): O(n)
     If B[i] == 1:
          result = result + (A << i) // Shift A left by i bits and add to result (O(n))
Return result

Karatsuba Algorithm

Simple Version (4 multiplications, )

	if n == 1: 
		return x*y
	x_h = x >> n/2
	y_h = y >> n/2

	x_l = x & ((1 << n/2) - 1)
	y_l = y & ((1 << n/2) - 1)

	h = mul(x_h, y_h, n/2)
	m1 = mul(x_h, y_l, n/2)
	m2 = mul(x_l, y_h, n/2)
	l = mul(x_l, y_l, n/2)

	return (h << n) + ((m1 + m2) << n/2) + l

Optimized Version (3 multiplications, )

mul(x,y,n):                              # T(n)
	n2 = floor(n/2)
	Write x as x_h * 2^(n2) + x_l        # O(n)
	Write y as y_h * 2^(n2) + y_l        # O(n)
	h = mul(x_h, y_h, n2)                # T(n/2)
	m = mul(x_h + x_l, y_h + y_l, n2)    # T(n/2)
	l = mul(x_l, y_l, n2)                # T(n/2)
	return h * 2^n2 + (m - h - l) * 2^n2 + l

Complex Multiplication

# Multiply complex bumbers with just three multiplications 
def print_product(a, b, c, d): # a+bi * c+di
	prod1 = a * c
	prod2 = b * d
	prod3 = (a + b) * (c + d)
	real = prod1 - prod2
	imag = prod3 - (prod1 + prod2)
	return real, imag