Electric power
- Electric power is the rate of transfer of electrical energy within a circuit
- P=dtdE=dqdEdtdq=VI
- E is electrical energy (in joules)
- t is time (in seconds)
- P is power (in watts)
- V is voltage (in volts)
- I is current (in amperes)
- q is charge (in coulombs)
- P=I2R=RV2
- P is the power dissipated by the resistor (in W)
- R is the resistance of the resistor (in Ω)
- I is the current through the resistor (in A)
Passive sign convention
- Components of an electrical circuit
- Voltage source
- Terminals:
- Positive voltage terminal (higher voltage)
- Negative voltage terminal (lower voltage)
- Passive sign convention (PSC)
- electric power is positive if it flows out of the circuit into an electrical component
- electric power is negative if it flows into the circuit out of a component
- Passive components (loads) will have positive power dissipation (P>0) and positive resistance (r>0)
- Active components (sources) will have negative power dissipation (P<0) and negative resistance (r<0)
- The conventional current variable I:
- If i is defined such that positive current enters the device through the positive voltage terminal:
- If i is defined such that positive current enters the device through the negative voltage terminal:
\draw (0,0) to [V, l={$v$}](2,0) to[short, =>, i=$i$](3,0);