Electric charge

  • Electric charge is quantized, that is, exists in discrete quantities which are integer multiples of the elementary charge
    • The charge of an electron is and the charge of a proton is
    • The SI unit of charge is the coulomb (C)
  • Conservation of charge: the total charge in an isolated system remains constant
  • An object can become charged by:
    • rubbing (friction)
    • conduction (transfer of charge from one charged object to another by touching)
    • induction

Coulomb’s Law

\newcommand*\circled[2]{\tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{\node[shape=circle,draw,fill=#1,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#2};}}
  • is the electrostatic force (or Coulomb force) between two charges (in )

    • and are the magnitudes of the charges (in )
    • is the distance between the charges (in )
    • is Coulomb’s constant
    • is the permittivity of free space
  • limitations and assumptions of Coulomb’s Lawtodo

    • point charges
    • objects are at rest (electrostatics force)
    • electric force
  • (Superposition principle) The total force on a charge is the vector sum of the forces exerted by the other charges

  • todo

Electric field

  • The electric field of is defined as a vector field that associates to each point in space the force per unit of charge exerted on an infinitesimal test charge at rest at that point
  • SI unit of electric field is
  • is Coulomb’s constant
  • (vector form: ) or
    • is the electric field that a charge experiences (in )
    • is the force on a charge (in )
    • is the test charge (in )

Electric Field due to a Point Charge

    • is the point in space where the electric field is being calculated
    • is the point charge creating the electric field (in )
    • is the distance between the point and the charge (in )
    • is the electric field (at ) due to the source charge (in )
    • where is the unit vector pointing from to
  • (Superposition Principle) The total electric field at a point in space is the vector sum of the electric fields due to the individual charges

  • todo

	\draw[ultra thick, arrows = {-Stealth[reversed, reversed]}, color=#4] (#1,#2) -- (#3,#2) node[midway, below] {#5};
\draw[fill] (0,0) circle [radius=0.08] node[above] {$P$};
\draw[fill=_green, draw=none] (2,0) circle [radius=0.2] node[right, xshift=0.2cm] {$Q$};
\node at (2, 0) {$-$};
\node at (4, 0) {$\mathsf{negative\ charge}$};
\draw[|-|] (0,0.7) -- (2,0.7) node[midway, below] {$r$};
\draw[fill] (0,-1) circle [radius=0.08] node[above] {$P$};
\draw[fill=_pink, draw=none] (2,-1) circle [radius=0.2] node[right, xshift=0.2cm] {$Q$};
\node at (2, -1) {$+$};
\node at (4, -1) {$\mathsf{positive\ charge}$};


  • There is no electric charge at point . But there is an electric field there. The only real charge is .
  • Notice that depends only on the charge which produces the electric field, and not on the value of the test charge .
  • In the figure, the electric field is positive, so it points towards a negative charge and away from a positive charge. But if the electric field is negative, it is the opposite.

Relationship between electric field and potential difference

  • is the electric field (uniform )
    • is the potential difference between points and (in )
    • is the distance between the points (in )

Electric Field Lines

  • is

    • where is the area of the Gaussian surface
  • Electric field lines indicate the direction of the electric field; the field points in the direction tangent to the field line at any point (note that the field lines never cross)

  • The lines are drawn such that the magnitude of the electric field, , is proportional to the number of lines crossing unit area perpendicular to the lines. The closer the lines, the stronger the field

  • The lines start on positive charges and end on negative charges


  • electric field lines
  • electric dipole
  • static electric field
  • equipotential surfaces, equipotential lines