In this section, is usually an undirected graph, unless stated otherwise.


  • A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices.
  • For every connected graph
  • Let a connected graph, and , then there is a cycle in the graph.
  • (q2) Let a connected graph, and each vertex has degree 2, then is a cycle graph.
  • (q4) The complement of a disconnected graph is connected

Connectivity in Directed Graph

  • Two nodes and in a directed graph are mutually reachable if there is a directed path from to and a directed path from to .
  • A directed graph is strongly connected if every pair of distinct nodes is mutually reachable.
  • If and are are mutually reachable, and and are mutually reachable, then and are mutually reachable.
  • The strong component containing a node in a directed graph is the set of all nodes in which each node is mutually reachable with .


  • A graph is acyclic if it contains no cycles.

Directed Graphs

  • A directed graph is acyclic (or directed acyclic graph, DAG) if it contains no directed cycles.


A complete graph is a simple undirected graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge. the complete graph on vertices is denoted by

  • Number of Edges in complete graph is . ^[Triangle number]
  • Number of perfect matchings in complete graph is double-factorial .
  • TODO: is maybe the longest path in complete graph


  • The following statements are equivalent for an undirected graph :

    • is bipartite
    • can be divided into two disjoint and independent sets and , that is every edge connects a vertex in to one in .
    • (1.6) has no odd cycles
    • is 2-colorable
  • A complete bipartite graph is a bipartite graph such that every pair of graph vertices in the two sets are adjacent.

  • (q5) Every subgraph of a bipartite graph is, itself, bipartite

  • (1.3) Handshaking Lemma for Bipartite Graph:

Matching in Bipartite graph

  • Given a bipartite graph ,
    • (4.7) Hall’s marriage theorem: There exists a matching that covers every vertex in if and only if for all subsets of .
    • (4.8, Corollary from HMT) Then there exists a perfect matching if and only if for all subsets of , and also .
    • (4.16) Kőnig’s theorem: The size of minimum vertex cover is equal to the size of the maximum matching. .


A regular graph is a graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbors; i.e. every vertex has the same degree. regular graph with vertices of degree is called a ‑regular graph or regular graph of degree .

  • From the handshaking Lemma, a regular graph contains an even number of vertices with odd degree.
  • (c3.q2a) Regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching
  • number of edges in ‑regular graph with vertices is
  • (q5) let regular graph. if is odd, then or is Eulerian graph

Planar Graph

  • Euler’s Formula (5.3) - For any connected planar graph with vertices, edges and faces, we have
  • Corollary (5.4) - If is a planar simple graph, with vertices, and edges, then
  • Corollary (5.5) - If is a planar simple graph, then has a vertex of degree not greater than 5.
  • (q3) in planar and bipartite and connected graph with , then
  • examples
    • is planar.
    • (Utility graph) is nonplanar
    • is nonplanar. (theorem 5.2)
    • the graph that derived from by remove some edge is planar. (q1)


  • The edge subdivision (elementary subdivision, עידון של קשת) operation for an edge is the deletion of from and the addition of two edges and along with the new vertex .
  • Graph Subdivision (עידון של גרף) - A graph which has been derived from by a sequence of edge subdivision operations is called a subdivision of . (can also be referred to as a -subdivision).
  • The graphs and are called homeomorphic if they can be obtained from the same graph by a sequence of edge subdivisions.
  • Theorems
    • Theorem (5.7) - A graph is planar, if and only if, every subdivision of is planar.
    • Kuratowski’s theorem (5.8) - A graph is planar, if and only if, it does not contain a subgraph that is a subdivision of or .