
  • Core set-theoretical operations
    • union(S,T) - return
    • intersection(S,T) - return
    • difference(S,T) - return
    • subset(S,T) - return true if
  • Typical operations that may be provided by a static set structure are:
    • member(S,x) - return true if
    • is-empty(S) - return true if
    • size(S) return
    • build-set(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) create a set from the elements
    • and others
  • A dynamic set typically adds the dynamic set operations
    • dictionary operations (insert, delete, search)
    • minimun, maximum, successor, predecessor


  • LIFO
Push(S,x)add an element to the collection
Pop(S)remove the most recently added element
(optional) Peek(S) (or Top(S)return the most recently added element element
(optional) Stack-empty(S)
  • implementations:
    • array
    • linked list


  • FIFO

Double-Ended Queue (Deque)


Priority Queue

insert(Q,x)Add an element x with a priority
extract-max(Q) (or extract-min(Q))Remove and return the element with the highest (lowest) priority
peek-max(Q) (or peek-min(Q))Return the element with the highest (lowest) priority
  • implementions:
    • binary heap (most common)
    • fibonacci heap (more advanced, better theoretical performance)
    • and others


  • A graph is an ADT that is meant to implement the undirected and directed Graph concepts from graph theory

Graph Representation

  • A sparse graph is a graph with edges. A dense graph is a graph with edges.
  • is a graph with vertices and edges.
    • An adjacency matrix is a matrix where if and otherwise.
      • If is undirected, the adjacency matrix is symmetric.
      • The adjacency matrix representation allows us to check in time if a given edge is in the graph
      • The adjacency matrix representation requires space. (when the graph has many fewer edges than , more compact representations are possible)
      • Many graph algorithms need to examine all the edges connected to a given vertex . In the worst case, may have neighbors. However, this case is rare in practice.
    • An adjacency list is an array Adj of records, where Adj[i] contains all the vertices such that .
      • The length of Adj[v] is the degree of vertex and is denoted by .
      • In an undirected graph, each edge appears twice. the node appears in Adj[i] and the node appears in Adj[j].
      • Adjacency lists are a more compact representation of sparse graphs.
      • Adjacency lists require space
Adjacency MatrixAdjacency List
Check if
Directed Graph Representation
  • We can use a version of adjacency list representation for directed graphs, which is, instead of each node having a single list of neighbors, each node has two lists associated with it:
    • AdjOut[v] contains all the vertices such that (outgoing edges)
    • AdjIn[v] contains all the vertices such that (incoming edges)