Logic Gates

\tikzset{every node/.style={line width=0.2mm}} % Change the thickness here
    % Define the matrix layout with 3 columns and 2 rows, and name each node
    \matrix[matrix of nodes, column sep=3cm, row sep=1.2cm, nodes={anchor=center}] (m) {
        \node[buffer port] (buffer1) {}; & \node[not port] (not1) {}; \\
        \node[and port] (and1) {}; &  \node[nand port] (nand1) {}; \\
        \node[or port] (or1) {}; & \node[nor port] (nor1) {}; \\
		\node[xor port] (xor1) {}; & \node[xnor port] (xnor1) {}; \\
	\node[left of=buffer1, xshift=-1cm] {BUFFER};
    \node[left of=and1, xshift=-1cm] {AND};
    \node[left of=or1, xshift=-1cm] {OR};
    \node[left of=not1, xshift=-1cm] {NOT};
    \node[left of=nand1, xshift=-1cm] {NAND};
    \node[left of=nor1, xshift=-1cm] {NOR};
    \node[left of=xor1, xshift=-1cm] {XOR};
    \node[left of=xnor1, xshift=-1cm] {XNOR};
  • A logic function (or Boolean function) is a function that takes one or more bits of input and produces a single bit of output.

  • A logic gate (or simply gate) is a device that implements a logic function.

  • Multiplexors

    • selector (or control) value
    • B.3 Combinational Logic B-11 — Two-Level Logic and PLAs
  • logic circuits

    • a combinational logic (מעגל צירופי) is a device consisting of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined by the current inputs
    • a sequential logic (מעגל סדרתי) is a device consisting of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined by the current inputs and the previous state of the device
  • packaged building-block logic families can be divided into categories:

    • resistor-transistor logic (RTL) circuits are logic circuits built from resistors and transistors
    • diode-transistor logic (DTL)
    • transistor-transistor logic (TTL)
  • An integrated circuit (IC) is a device that contains many logic gates on a single chip of silicon

    • ICs have external electrical contact points called pins
    • A package is a plastic or ceramic case that holds the IC and connects the pins to the outside world
    • A dual in-line package (DIP) is a package with two parallel rows of pins
  • A discrete component is an electronic device containing only a single element, such as a transistor or a resistor

Boolean Algebra

Logic Gate
ORlogical sum
ANDlogical product


  • Identity law: ,
  • Zero and one law: ,
  • Inverse law: ,
  • Commutative law: ,
  • Associative law: ,
  • Distributive law: ,